Note with "Please remember to turn off the lights when you're finished!" with a light switch below

Up Your Green Game

What started as a discussion for blog ideas, sparked an in-office movement.

A blog on how to be eco-friendly in the workplace was tossed out and added to the list. This got people thinking about The AIM Group and what could be done to further our role as a green ally.

Now, plastic cutlery and cups will no longer be available in the kitchen, and lights will be turned off when not in use in the bathrooms.

Below is a list of what our company has already been doing to be eco-friendly. Make a note of tips that happen in your workplace or any you would like to see implemented.     


  • To reduce our carbon footprint, The AIM Group has purchased a communal Presto card for our team to use when commuting to meetings, events, and interviews.
  • Some of our team members get to and from work by carpooling, walking, biking and even sometimes (like a true Canadian) skating on the Rideau Canal in the winter.

Kitchen/ Food

  • We have a water cooler that is connected to our water line. This way, we do not need to get replacement plastic water jugs.
  • Each employee has their own reusable water bottle sporting the company logo.
  • Some of our employees bring in their own lunches and snacks to reduce waste. Another option is to opt for a restaurant who offers environmentally friendly “to-go” boxes.

Office Supplies

  • Going paperless is not always an option for every office. However, we try our best to cut down where we can. For instance, we print double-sided, use electronic signatures, and avoid unnecessary printing.
  • Our ink supplier allows us to purchase recycled toner cartridges and they offer the service of returning used cartridges.


  • Our new renovation allowed us to upgrade to new energy efficient light bulbs throughout the office; our large windows allow us to utilize as much natural light as possible.
  • In the bathrooms there are motion sensor taps for the sinks to save on water.
  • Those with green thumbs have brought in their favorite plants. However, our aim is to add more to the office to help clean the air.

With any office, there is always room for improvement. Additional changes The AIM Group would like to put in place are using eco-friendly cleaning supplies, using recycled paper, making charitable donations to green initiatives, and further educating the team on environmental consciousness.

Small changes can make a big difference, and we hope this article has inspired you to up your green game.

 “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it” – Robert Swan


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